'image' Search results

10 items

Paper: A Novel Automatic Tongue Image Segmentation Algorithm: Color Enhancement Method Based on L*a*b* Color Space

2015 International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics in conjunction with BIBM 2015, First Author


Use image to identify scale number on pulmonary capacity devices

use opencv to analyze scale number on image took from pulmonary capacity devices


vessel segmentation in brain DSA and MRA image

Matlab code of vessel segmentation in brain DSA and MRA image


resize MRA DSA image and convert to ply

Matlab code to resize MRA DSA image and convert to ply


Resizing to unify 3D images

Preprocessing before registration


Demonstration of image registration algorithm using an example

An example of eye vessel registration using my algorithm


Paper: A medical image registration method based on network structure and circuit simulation

Presented on bioimage informatics conference 2016, published in BMC Bioinformatics (IF: 2.435), First Author


Detection frameworks

Detection frameworks. Images and contents from original papers


Automated Artery Localization and Vessel Wall Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Images using Tracklet Refinement and Polar Conversion

Automated Artery Localization and Vessel Wall Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Images using Tracklet Refinement and Polar Conversion


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