'graph' Search results

9 items

Final Report of FDUROP: 'The development of an inaccurate graph isomorphism algorithm and its application in prototype machine'

FDUROP: 'The development of an inaccurate graph isomorphism algorithm and its application in prototype machine'


Paper: The Study of the Compatibility Rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Apriori and HMETIS Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithm

2015 VLDB, The First International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare, Third Author


Construct graph network in describing 3D medical data

Construct graph network in describing 3D medical data, a part of my capstone research


NSI applied in branch node network

NSI applied in branch node network


Circuit conversion theory

Circuit conversion theory applied in biomedical graph network


Graph and tree search algorithms

Graph and tree search algorithms


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