The Application Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical Science Treatment on Vertigo Based on Data Mining Apriori Algorithm
Authors: Miao Wang, Li Chen, Yanjun Huang, Lei Zhang, Zihao Zhang, Jie Ding and Huiliang Shang*,
(Miao Wang is the tutor who instructed us from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
As the mechanism of the effective traditional Chinese medical science treatment remains ambiguous, researchers are seeking to analyze the therapies using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with advanced techniques. In this paper, we take advantage of data mining techniques with the software SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions), in particular Apriori algorithm for association rules mining (ARM), which discovers relationships by iteratively analyzing large datasets of TCM medical records. After analyzing the database, we are likely to reveal the interrelationships among TCM syndromes, clinical symptoms, and curative Chinese herbal medicine. Through verification, Apriori proves effective in helping traditional Chinese doctors decide what to prescribe when facing various patients with vertigo. The data used in the analysis are collected from our specially designed mobile app where well-trained doctors can upload their recent diagnostic results. With the increasing amount of diagnosis data, the effectiveness of our diagnoses are constantly improving.
data mining; Apriori algorithm; traditional Chinese medicine; vertigo; mobile app
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2015 Vol.9, No.4, pp.349 - 354
Online PPT:
MSPPT: The Application Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical Science.pptx
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App we designed to upload diagnosis results and query recommended proscriptions